Town of Sharon

Community Preservation Committee

Meeting Minutes of 9/18/07

Approved 10/25/07



Committee Attendees

George Bailey - Chair

Allen Garf

Corey Snow, Treasurer

Arnold Kublin

Arnold Cohen 

Susan Rich – absent

Peg Argiumbau



Meeting Initiation


The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM by Chair, George Bailey who reviewed the evening’s agenda.


Meeting Minutes


The meeting minutes for 8/23/07 were reviewed. Mr. Garf moved to approve the minutes of 8/23/07 as written. Mr. Cohen seconded the motion and the Committee voted 4-0-1 in favor. Mr. Snow abstained due to his absence from the 8/23/07 meeting.

Chairman’s Report

·         Mr. Bailey stated that Laura Russell may withdraw her project submission for Borderland Massapoag Trail - #016. Mr. Bailey stated he provided her with maps showing land layouts and requested she review them for further investigations. At the moment the submission is not withdrawn at Mr. Bailey’s suggestion.  Mr. Kublin questioned why leave this on the table and Mr. Bailey replied that there is never an obligation to fund part of a project request.

·         Mr. Bailey suggested that one or more CPC members meet with the Town Clerk to discuss Preservation of Town Records project and Ms. Goldson’s report. Ms. Rich was thought to be the appropriate representative. Mr. Garf stated we have no money left until the borrowing is completed so put off spending consulting money until we have project monies available. He suggested meeting with the Town Clerk regarding this project as funding is available. Mr. Bailey agreed that Ms. Goldson is not needed at this point for discussion with the Town Clerk.  The committee members agreed to hold off on additional involvement from Ms. Goldson other than what was contracted at this time.

·         A motion was made by Mr. Cohen that Mr. Kublin will be the final signer to the invoice for painting at Hixson Farm Road – Project #3 as far as the bill does not exceed the amount appropriated. Mr. Garf seconded the motion. The Board voted 6-0-0 in favor.  Ms. Levitts will obtain the invoice from Jane Desberg and provide to Mr. Kublin for his signature.

Officer Elections


·         Chair Bailey said that the bylaws state that a Chair, Treasurer and Clerk position are needed for the CPC. He commented that he does not wish to be the Chair again and believes in rotating responsibilities. A brief discussion ensued amongst the members.


·         Mr. Kublin moved to nominate Corey Snow as the Chair of the CPC. Mr. Cohen seconded the motion. The Committee voted 5-0-0 in favor. Mr. Snow assumed the responsibilities as Chair of the CPC.


·         Mr. Garf moved to nominate Mr. Cohen as Clerk of the CPC. Mr. Bailey seconded the motion and the Committee voted 5-0-0 in favor.


·         Mr. Kublin moved to nominate Mr. Bailey as Treasurer of the CPC. Mr. Cohen seconded the motion. The Committee voted 5-0-0 in favor.

Treasurer’s Report

Mr. Snow said that Form CP3 goes to the GIS Department to update their database with any changes.

Project Review of Approved Projects


·         #004 – Glendale – A discussion ensued between the Committee members regarding this property. Mr. Cohen asked where the 1.1 million dollars is coming from to pay the developer. Mr. Bailey stated the property was appraised for 750K. There was a Town meeting and the majority voted the 750K amount. $1,020, 000 is what Whitman homes expect to receive for the 11.63 acres as opposed to the original property of 10.66 acres. The balance of the monies is coming from private donations. $750 K is coming from the Town, 200K was raised by MBNA or abutter purchase. 150 K is coming from future donations. Ms. Arguimbau speaking for the Conservation Committee said there will be a $100K donation from Sharon Commons which could be applied to Glendale. The owner of the property is Whitman Homes. The Conservation Commission voted to complete the project by using money from Sharon Commons donation. She said that no more money than what was presented at Town Meeting will be used.  Mr. Cohen said that the CPC authorized $750K and that he feels the Town was gouged by the developer. Ms. Arguimbau stated that the appraisals vary greatly. He reiterated that $750K will be coming from the CPC. She said that Attorney Gelerman’s office worked long hours and the Housing Partnership signed. All efforts were made to do what was needed. Mr. Bailey commented that the amount the Town can pay is limited by the appraisal. He questioned Town Counsel as to why it was structured the way it was. He also questioned section 5F. Mr. Bailey will provide the information to the Committee when he receives a response from Attorney Gelerman. Mr. Kublin clarified by stating to Mr. Bailey that you are asking why the Town paid more for this parcel than the appraised value and are any extra monies Town monies.


·         #005 – Open Space and Recreation Plan – Ms. Arguimbau reported that the survey will be mailed to the Town and that printing/mailing costs will be incurred. The next open meeting will be on 10/16 in the High School.


·         #006 – Drinking Fountain Installation – Mr. Snow commented that he contacted the Recreation Department ad the DPW and they are working on it.


·         #007 – Pumping Station – Mr. Bailey reported that he checked with Eric Hooper who is getting bids. The project is proceeding.


·         #008 – Historical Property Survey – Mr. Bailey said that Ms. Rich said the first bidders withdrew. The project is in the working stage.


·         #010 – Drake Cemetery– Mr. Bailey said that access had been denied to the cemetery until Peter O’Cain of the DPW came up with a new access which was on AGA land. AGA agreed to give the Boy Scouts access.


·         #013 – Heights Playground – Mr. Bailey read a 9/12 letter from V. Weisman who said that Heights Elementary is involved in various fund raising activities to help them reach their $40K goal to match CPC funds in early November.



·         The Committee reviewed a proposal for lighting at the High School submitted by Sharon Public Schools. Mr. Snow commented that we can’t consider any other projects until fiscal 2009. Ms. Arguimbau suggested that Ken Wertz of the Sharon Public Schools speak to the committee regarding the lighting request to determine if it is viable.


Bylaw Submissions

Mr. Snow moved to change the bylaws to allow electronic submission of project requests. Mr. Garf seconded the notion. The committee voted 5-0-1. Mr. Kublin abstained.


Mr. Bailey stated he will draft a process as pertains to public notices and complicated situations because having an outlined process will make things clearer.


Mr. Bailey moved to rescind both placeholder articles for small transfers for planning purposes and possible transfer of funds to prepay a portion of MBNA borrowing. Mr. Garf seconded the motion. The Committee voted 6-0-0 in favor.


Mr. Bailey suggested the Clerk notify the Selectmen that the CPC does not need their name on other articles. Mr. Snow said he would handle this.




1.   Mr. Bailey provided a brief update on Ms. Goldson’s status. She will attend the next CPC meeting on 10/25 to provide details to the Committee.


2.  All committee members thanked each other for participation on the Committee and especially to Mr. Bailey for his Chairmanship, and Mr. Snow for being Treasurer.


Next Meeting Date


October 25th, 2007.


Meeting Adjournment


Mr. Cohen moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:15 PM and Mr. Kublin seconded the motion. The Committee voted 6-0-0 in favor.